High and rising inflation, particularly when driven by food prices, will reduce the living standards of Chinese workers, threatening unrest unless wage rates rise to compensate. 居高不下且日益加剧的通胀水平将导致中国工人生活水平下降(尤其在推动力量来自食品价格的情况下),除非工资涨幅足以抵消通胀影响,否则就可能造成社会动荡。
We must gradually reduce the wage gap. 我们要逐步缩小工资差距。
Wuhan City, the optimization of low-income standard architecture mainly from the increase of unemployment insurance benefits and gradually reduce the minimum living allowance for urban residents and the ratio of the minimum wage be adjusted in two ways. 武汉市低收入标准体系结构的优化则主要是从提高失业保险待遇和逐步降低城镇居民最低生活保障标准与最低工资标准的比例两方面来进行调整。
If the output elasticity of substitution is positive, intra-industry trade will expand the relative wage gap; otherwise, intra-industry trade will reduce the relative wage gap. 当产品的产出技能替代弹性大于0时,产业内贸易将会扩大相对工资差距;反之,将会缩小相对工资差距。
In a word, trade reform and income distribution adjustment are the same important to effectively reduce the negative impact of international trade on the wage gap. 只有将贸易改革和收入分配调整齐抓共管,才能有效降低和缓解国际贸易对中国工资差距的负面影响。
Based on this information, recommendations on speed up economic restructuring, promotion to enhance entertainments profitability, reduce the human capital gap, improving labor market, reducing resistance of labor mobility, raising the minimum wage and other related policy were given. 据此提出加快经济结构转型,促进企业盈利能力提升、缩小人力资本差距、完善劳动力市场建设,减少劳动力流动阻力以及适当提高最低工资水平等政策建议。